[CentOS] apache mysterious 404 error

Barry Brimer lists at brimer.org
Fri Aug 28 00:41:03 UTC 2015

>> Well those errors are pulled from the Chrome developer tools.
>>   I notice if I do a GET on that file using both all lower case as well as
>> the upper case that's in the URL I get the same result:
>> [root at aozwsls00019la apache2]# GET
>> http://stage.theshopatmycompanystudios.com/mycopmanyStore/images/altImg.png
>> <html><head>
>> <title>404 Not Found</title>
>> </head><body>
>> <h1>Not Found</h1>
>> <p>The requested URL /mycompanyStore/images/altImg.png was not found on
>> this server.</p>
>> </body></html>
>> [root at aozwsls00019la apache2]# GET
>> http://stage.theshopatmycompanystudios.com/mycompanystore/images/altImg.png
>> <html><head>
>> <title>404 Not Found</title>
>> </head><body>
>> <h1>Not Found</h1>
>> <p>The requested URL /mycpmpanystore/images/altImg.png was not found on
>> this server.</p>
>> </body></html>
>> This is how that file looks on the command line. I made a symlink to
>> account for the change in case, because I realize that's relevant:
>> -rw-r--r--. 1 daemon daemon 128 Aug 27 12:22
>> /var/www/nbcstore/images/altImg.png
>> -rw-r--r--. 1 daemon daemon 128 Aug 27 12:22
>> /var/www/mycompanyStore/images/altImg.png
>> Still not sure why I'm not able to do a GET on that and those other files.
>> Appreciate your input tho! And any other advice is certainly welcome!
>> Tim
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Rodrigo Maia <rod.pmaia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi apache on GNU/Linux  is case-sensitive samples:
>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/altImg.png
>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_485x1215_R2.jpg
>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x802_R2.jpg
>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x413_R2.jpg
>>> on  browser :
>>> (index):1 GET
>>> http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanyStore/images*/altImg.png
>>> try :
>>> (index):1 GET
>>> http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanystore/images/altImg.png
>>> <http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanyStore/images*/altImg.png>
>>> 2015-08-27 19:18 GMT-03:00 Tim Dunphy <bluethundr at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>   Just have a question about apache. Hoping to get an opinion on this.
>>>>   I've just setup a site under apache 2.4.
>>>>   And made sure that the document root setup in the vhost for the site 
>>>> I'm
>>>> serving has permissions for the apache user. Yet some of the files are
>>>> throwing a 404 error in a browser even tho they are clearly present and
>>>> accounted for on the file system.
>>>> For example, I'm getting this error:
>>>> (index):1 GET
>>>> http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanyStore/images*/altImg.png
>>>> 404 (*Not Found)
>>>> (index):1 GET
>>> http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanyStore/images*/Jimmy_485x1215_R2.jpg
>>>> 404* (Not Found)
>>>> (index):1 GET
>>> http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanyStore/images*/Jimmy_792x802_R2.jpg
>>>> 404* (Not Found)
>>>> (index):1 GET
>>> http://stage.theshopatmycomany.com/mycomanyStore/images*/Jimmy_792x413_R2.jpg
>>>> 404* (Not Found)
>>>> And yet as I mentioned all those files are definitely there on the file
>>>> system:
>>>> [root at aozwsls00019la apache2]# ls -l
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/altImg.png
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_485x1215_R2.jpg
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x802_R2.jpg
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x413_R2.jpg
>>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 daemon daemon    128 Aug 27 12:22
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/altImg.png
>>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 daemon daemon 260983 Jul 16 14:03
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_485x1215_R2.jpg
>>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 daemon daemon 126628 Jul 16 14:00
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x413_R2.jpg
>>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 daemon daemon 222568 Jul 16 13:56
>>>> /var/www/mycomanystore/images/Jimmy_792x802_R2.jpg
>>>> And all those files have the correct ownership for apache:
>>>> [root at aozwsls00019la apache2]# egrep -i "user|group" conf/httpd.conf |
>>>> egrep -i -v -e '#' -e log -e module
>>>> User daemon
>>>> Group daemon
>>>> All the files are owned by daemon:daemon!! So why on earth are these
>>> files
>>>> giving a 404?
>>>> This is my virtual host for the site:
>>>> <VirtualHost *>
>>>>      ServerAdmin timothy.dunphy at mycomany.com
>>>>      DocumentRoot /var/www/mycomanystore
>>>>      ServerName stage.theshopatmycomanystudios.com
>>>>      ServerAlias
>>>>      ErrorLog logs/store_error_log
>>>>      LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
>>>>      CustomLog logs/store_access_log common
>>>>      <Directory /var/www/mycomanystore>
>>>>        DirectoryIndex index.html
>>>>        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
>>>>        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI +Includes
>>>>        AllowOverride All
>>>>        Require all granted
>>>>      </Directory>
>>>>      ExpiresActive On
>>>>      ExpiresDefault "access plus 30 minute"
>>>>      RewriteEngine On
>>>>      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRACE
>>>>      RewriteRule .* - [F]
>>>> </VirtualHost>
> Do you get any errors in the error logs ?  And also have you checked whether 
> selinux is having an effect ?

I can't tell if you are sending a literal '*' in your GET request, but if 
you are, I would try without it as I don't believe there is globbing in 
http nor do I believe that '*' is a legal character in a URL. I could be 
wrong about all of this, but that is what stands out to me.

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