[CentOS] Shared folders with Centos-7 guest in VMware-10 using open-vm-tools

Fri Aug 7 02:21:39 UTC 2015
Bob Hepple <bob.hepple at gmail.com>


Just wondering if anyone has this working ...

Centos-7 guest in VMware-10 host (on Windows-7 :-( )

Out of the box, shared folders and drag&drop do not work although X screen 
resolution sensing is fine (ie xrandr reports the resolution of the host 
screen as well as the peculiar screen options built-in) and I can Alt-Enter 
to full screen quite happily.

I tried Fedora-22 too but did not even get that far.

It's the shared folder that I would really like to get working. vmware-
hgfsclient reports my share but there is no /mnt/hgfs directory. Also 
'lsmod|grep hgfs' reports nothing.

'systemctl restart vmtoolsd' (bah!) does not help.

