[CentOS] getting X started...

Tue Dec 1 22:14:30 UTC 2015
David Both <dboth at millennium-technology.com>

For CentOS 5 or 6, edit /etc/inittab to default runlevel 5. For CentOS 
7, in the */etc/systemd/system *directory, Remove the existing 
default.target link. An error will occur while attempting to create the 
new link if you do not do this.Run the following command to generate a 
new link to the desired run target. *

*systemctl enable graphical.target


On 12/01/2015 05:04 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
> I've got a new VM installed for me by a sysadmin who apparently did a minmal install.
> As a result I've installed a bunch of things to try to get X going,  including
> yum groupinstall "development and creative workstation", "Desktop platform" "mate desktop"
> but so far I've not found the incantation to get it to start up X at boot time.
> As far as I can tell, it doesn't even try. Once I log in, startx works fine.
> Can someone point me to whatever it is I'm missing here?
> thanks!
> -- 
> *********************************************************
> David P. Both, RHCE
> Millennium Technology Consulting LLC
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> 919-389-8678
> dboth at millennium-technology.com
> www.millennium-technology.com
> www.databook.bz - Home of the DataBook for Linux
> DataBook is a Registered Trademark of David Both
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