[CentOS] Version numbering vis a vis CentOS and RHEL

Tue Dec 8 00:59:53 UTC 2015
Greg Lindahl <lindahl at pbm.com>

On Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 03:37:27PM -0700, Warren Young wrote:
> On Dec 7, 2015, at 1:52 PM, Greg Lindahl <lindahl at pbm.com> wrote:
> > Yes. It confuses humans. There have been a bunch of examples given of
> > how it confuses humans. A simple fix for this human issue is to use
> > 7.1.1503 on the website, here on the mailing list, etc.
> And then we’re right back in the same old boat: With every new release, the same old thread will pop up, “How do I make my servers stay on CentOS 7.1?”

I'm missing the connection. That's the kind of thing that's a FAQ. If
you look back in this list archive, you'll see me answering that
question here, and pointing out that the answer is buried in the FAQ
on the website. (Never fixed despite many comments, but hey, why fix
things that are problems?)

I don't see why putting the same thing in /etc/centos-release and
the website causes this problem to be significantly worse.

I do see how the current "7 (1503)" on the website confuses many
humans, including experienced CentOS admins.