[CentOS] playing DVDs on C7

Alice Wonder

alice at domblogger.net
Fri Dec 18 07:52:54 UTC 2015

On 12/17/2015 08:19 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 05:42:19PM -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
>> On 12/17/2015 5:33 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
>>> vlc will kinda play movies, i.e., moving garbage appears on the screen,
>>> sometimes it'll resemble something from the movie, but most of the time
>>> not so much. I can't figure out what's missing here.
>> that sounds like display driver issues.    in VLC, try turning off
>> all video hardware acceleration options.
>> --
>> john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
> John, that doesn't make any difference, actually. It's just as bad
> with accelerated rendering as without.
> It also, some of the time,  complains about being unable to open
> the disc, or a complaint for every file. sometimes not. but I can
> open each file fine in other tools, because the disk is mounted.
> So, I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the libdvdcss from nux.
> In the past I've always used the one from, er, I don't remember which
> repo, but it was an older repo where the only thing still there was
> libdvdcss.
> I'm just now in the process of building 1.3.99 from videolan.org, so
> we'll see.

I use (and built) 
http://awel.domblogger.net/7/media/x86_64/repoview/libdvdcss.html and it 
works just fine with ripping DVDs but I don't play them with VLC. I just 
rip them with MakeMKV and then transcode to WebM to play them.

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