[CentOS] /bin/nmcli and connection names

Wed Dec 16 22:06:48 UTC 2015
Eugene Vilensky <evilensky at gmail.com>


I haven't been to find this (NetworkManager) change documented.


CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)

$ /bin/nmcli con
NAME   UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE
ens32  7629e52d-bd42-4cd5-a424-8c58e7e0bf37  802-3-ethernet  ens32

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

$ /bin/nmcli con
NAME          UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE
System ens32  0c299aec-b628-4168-b3c7-5b00951f5eb8  802-3-ethernet  ens32

The string  "System " is part of the NAME.

What might be my options to understand upstream's reasoning for this change
and any possible workaround?