[CentOS] Network configuration issue with second public ip on CentOS 6

Wed Dec 23 18:04:48 UTC 2015
Patrick Bervoets <patrick.bervoets at psc-elsene.be>

> Op 23 dec. 2015 om 18:31 heeft Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu> het volgende geschreven:
> If I understand IP networking correctly, you only can have "aliases" of
> the interface appear on the _same_ network segment (I'm tempted to say
> same class C network) as the main IP of interface, say you have:
> DEVICE=eth0
> IPADDR=x.y.z.w
> GATEWAY=x.y.z.254
> Then with the restriction I mentioned you can have alias:
> DEVICE=eth0:0
> IPADDR=x.y.z.a
> Note that "x.y.z." part is the same in both IPs.
> Somebody may correct me if I'm wrong.
> Valeri
I have used an 10. Alias on a 192. Interface so it is possible