[CentOS] OT: AF 4k sector drives with 512 emulation

Fri Feb 27 23:39:11 UTC 2015
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 2/27/2015 3:06 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Alignment's easy: using parted (the user-hostile program), if you do go in
> with parted -a optimal /dev/drive, and do
> mkpart pri ext4 0.0GB 100% (for non-root drives, for example), it's
> aligned correctly.

i found -a optimal to do weird things, and almost always complain.    I 
just use -a none now, and specify partition start in (512b) sectors, like..

     # parted /dev/sdc
     align none
     mklabel gpt
     mkpart pri 512s -1s

don't start at 0, as thats where the MBR or GPT has to go.    512 
sectors is 256K bytes, which puts you on a erase block boundary with 
most SSD's as well as HD's.    -1s is end of the disk.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast