[CentOS] CentOS6: ntfs-3g and writing utf-8 filenames


subscript at free.fr
Thu Feb 19 14:46:01 UTC 2015

Hello there,

I know this has been widely discussed over the net, but I still can't
find a way to write a file whose name contains accented characters in ntfs-3g
partitions that are automatically mounted on my CentOS6 system.

Whatever my locale is POSIX, en_US or en_US.utf8, I always get a:

  Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

error when I attempt to create a directory or a file when the name
contains an accented char.

I tried remounting manually the ntfs-3g partition using -o utf8 (and
older variants: iocharset= and nls=), but it doesn't work better.

My ntfs-3g disks are automatically mounted in GNOME (as fuseblk). Using
ntfs-3g-2014.2.15-8.el6.x86_64 in an up-to-date CentOS6 system.

Any hint?


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