[CentOS] Secret incantations for virt-viewer?

Fri Jan 2 00:54:53 UTC 2015
SilverTip257 <silvertip257 at gmail.com>

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 4:08 PM, Bill Gee <bgee at campercaver.net> wrote:

> Thanks!  I changed the qemu.conf file to listen on  That works -
> I can
> connect to the virtual machines using a VNC client.

Listening on listens on all network interfaces.
Mark's comment is not a major concern unless your KVM host is directly
connected to the Internet (no firewall).
* You should consider adding firewall rules on your KVM host none the less.

> The problem with VNC is that the port number assigned to a particular VM
> depends on the order in which it is started.  There is no command-line
> option
> for VNC that will attach to a VM by name ...  only by display number or
> port
> number.

You can specify the VNC port when creating a host.
But as far as connecting via VNC to a host VM by name without also having
to add a port # suffix, that is more difficult. Easiest way for you to do
so is to create shell aliases for each one.

For my own deployments, I have a wiki page which documents what VNC ports
are used.

There's also virsh commands to extract info.
virsh dominfo <VM_name>
virsh vncdisplay <VM_name>

> With virt-viewer I can name the domain on the command line.  It is
> unambiguous
> - There is no doubt about which VM it will connect to.
> I found where the VNC port can be fixed in the XML file that defines each
> VM.
> However, it is a manual process.  I have not found a way to set it using
> virsh.

Yes, a manual process.
One would think there's a way to change it via virsh, but that could/would
be a problem for a running VM.

virt-install has options for specifying VNC ports.

> I found where virsh can report the VNC port number used by a domain.
> However,
> the computers from where I am running VNC client do not have virsh
> installed.

They do not need virsh.
SSH to the KVM host and run the virsh commands from there.

> Somewhere in all this experimenting I have managed to break virt-viewer
> again.
> It was working, but no more.  Argh!  Good thing this is all happening on
> test
> computers!
> Bill Gee

//  SilverTip257  //