Since my current monitor appears to be slowly dying, I'm looking for a replacement. I generally use hardware replacement as an excuse to get something bigger/better/faster than what I had before, so I'm currently considering something like a BenQ GW2765HT. The manual for my Intel motherboard has this to say about DisplayPort on the built-in graphics controller: QUOTE: DisplayPort’s maximum supported display resolution is 2560 x 1600 at a 60 Hz refresh rate with a 16:10 aspect ratio (WQXGA). END OF QUOTE It also states that the maximum supported resolution on the built-in DVI-I port is 1920x1200, which is the resolution of the monitor that I have right now; the one that appears to be dying. Therefore, this new monitor wouldn't work at full resolution with that output. Having never used DisplayPort before, I'm wondering if this means that if I purchase the BenQ monitor above, or something similar, I can then reasonably expect to plug it in and have it just-work with my Centos 7 setup. -- MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Real D 3D Digital Cinema ~