[CentOS] 7.1 install with Areca arc-1224

Gordon Messmer

gordon.messmer at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 21:34:35 UTC 2015

On 07/05/2015 02:02 PM, C Linus Hicks wrote:
> 02:40:54,292 DEBUG packaging: File "/usr/libexec/anaconda/anaconda-yum", line 342, in inst_open_file
> 02:40:54,292 DEBUG packaging: os.unlink(txmbr.po.localPkg())
> 02:40:54,292 DEBUG packaging: OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/run/install/repo/Packages/flite-1.3-22.el7.x86_64.rpm'
> The path it is complaining is a read-only filesystem is the
> installation DVD. If my interpretation is correct, it appears to be
> attempting to delete a file on the DVD. Is there some issue with
> installing flite or is something else going on?

anaconda will try to delete an rpm file if it gets an IOError.  Your 
media may be corrupt.  Check that first.

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