[CentOS] using rsync to sync desktop /home/user of to laptop /home/user

Fri Jun 19 12:18:19 UTC 2015
Antonio S. Martins Jr. <asmartins at uem.br>

Hi G, :D

----- "g" <geleem at bellsouth.net> escreveu:

> De: "g" <geleem at bellsouth.net>
> Para: "CentOS mailing list" <centos at centos.org>
> Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 18 de Junho de 2015 10:44:56 (GMT-0300) Auto-Detected
> Assunto: Re: [CentOS] using rsync to sync desktop /home/user of to laptop /home/user
> On 06/17/2015 04:15 AM, Antonio S. Martins Jr. wrote:
> <<>>
> > Well,
> >
> >    First try to hold in the same OS version on both, this will
> > easy things :D
> this is true.
> both are 6.6 and as of 2015-0516 both are updated to release
> 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64.
> >    IMHO, filter the dirs for firefox, thunderbird, etc... and
> > try to sync only your docs and desktop info!
> this is true also and main of what i will need to sync, which i
> intended to run from a script to work with paths in ~/ for:
>   .mozilla, .thunderbird, Audio, Documents, Downloads, Graphics,
>   Personal, Pictures, Public, scripts, TV, Videos, WWW.
> >    You can try syncing all and see what happens :D
> could, but not. building common ~/ for and then rsync/ssh took long
> enough. ;-)

 Well, with unison you can make a config file filtering only what you want.
Now you want only the config files, what are very little :D

 But, after the config stage, you will need to copy it in the first sync :D

> i found the file for screen info by opening
>  system settings > display > size & orientation
> making a change to 'lvds' setting, then running from .kde
>   ]$ find . -amin 1 -print
>   .kde/share/config/krandrrc,

  I'm still thinking you need to define what exactly you want to sync,
and stay on it. The config for display aren't needed and absolutely 
aren't wanted :D



Antonio da Silva Martins Jr. 
Analista de Suporte
NPD - Núcleo de Processamento de Dados
UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá
email: asmartins at uem.br 
fone: +55 (44) 3011-4015 / 3011-4411
inoc-dba: 263076*100                     

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