[CentOS] Old and new package version numbers during RPM update

Sun Jun 28 23:07:56 UTC 2015
Kahlil Hodgson <kahlil.hodgson at dealmax.com.au>

On 29 June 2015 at 07:37, John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com> wrote:

> so a regex looking for "system:" vs "system {"   should nicely delineate
> these.   I dunno, I might even put that into the conversion utility and
> have it just quit if the file is already in the new format, and always run
> it.

​+1 for the idempotent approach. IMHO much more robust. Also consider what
will happen if someone does a 'yum downgrade' on the package or a
dependency -- you might want to allow the conversion to go both ways or at
least complain appropriately.
