[CentOS] yum and yumex change system time

Tue Jun 23 18:56:13 UTC 2015
g <geleem at bellsouth.net>


each and every time i run yum or yumex, system time is advanced
by 5 hours.

this has gone on thru several updates, maybe even upgrades.

centos = 6.6 current
yum    = 3.2.29
yumex  = 3.0.5

for awhile, i did not mind resetting clock when i noticed it off.

now, it is a pita because when i forget, emails and what ever else
i am doing get wrong time stamps.

i have searched for problem/solution, but none found. or i missed it
reading search page.

most appreciative if anyone knows of a solution.



peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.6

