[CentOS] install latest gcc/g++ dev tools on centos

Wed Mar 4 00:13:14 UTC 2015
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 2/22/2015 4:22 PM, Adekoya Adekunle wrote:
> How can I install the latest version of gcc/g++ development tools on my
> centos ?
> I have version 4.1.* on the machine.

centos 6 cames with gcc 4.4.7, centos 7 uses 4.8.2.    yum update should 
get you the latest supported release.

what version of centos do you have?   gcc 4.1 is fairly old (2006-2007)

if you need newer versions of gcc and support than your version of 
CentOS supports, the only way to get them woujld be to build your own in 
to run in  an alternate directory, such as /usr/local/gcc49, rather than 
replace the standard versions, otherwise you'll likely break things that 
depend on the standard version for your OS..

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast