[CentOS] Networking troubles on CentOS 7

Fri Mar 6 16:46:22 UTC 2015
Kashyap Bhatt <thekashyap1 at yahoo.co.in>

> >
> > >> Are you sure the vmware NIC is configured as bridged, not NAT on the
> > host side?
> > Not really. Does it help if I say I'm using the same Network Adapter
> > configuration with which another VM in same subnet works fine? I've added a
> > screen shot if that helps, though I think it shows the guest config and not
> > host which you questioned.PicPaste - Untitled3-cJQlcohB.png
> >
> >
> > >> Firewall1. ssh was kind of an example to show that I'm unable to "see"
> > this machine from outside. Same is true for ping or host.2. I don't know
> > how to specifically add rule to allow ssh/22 through my firewall so before
> > spending more time on that, I just shut firewall down (systemctl stop
> > firewalld). Same result, ssh/ping time out. Would it make sense to start
> > the firewalld and add rule to allow ssh through it?
> Since you are not able to communicate to the CentOS 7 vm from the host are
> you at least able to ping the gateway from the from the guest, which is in
> this case the CentOS 7 VM?

So it was a stupid mistake, I had selected the wrong VLAN while creating the VM. Compared the network config with a VM on same ESXi host that was working.