[CentOS] Running the Wine emulator on CentOS 7

Niki Kovacs

info at microlinux.fr
Tue Mar 10 05:28:41 UTC 2015

Le 10/03/2015 01:52, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
> We really should have this very soon after the 7.1 x86_64 release.  I am
> building all the packages for both as we do 7.1.
> But, so far the new kernel is not building 32 bit:(

Thank you for your quick response. I am looking forward to that very much.

Out of curiosity, I gave PUIAS/Springdale a spin. They have a 32-bit 
version of 7, although it's not advertised anywhere, and I stumbled over 
it more or less by accident while searching through their repositories. 
It runs nice on one of my sandbox PCs. Though I'd rather have a 32-bit 
CentOS 7.

As far as Wine is concerned, I guess the best solution will be to wait 
until you put a 32-bit version in [extra].



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