[CentOS] Running the Wine emulator on CentOS 7

Niki Kovacs

info at microlinux.fr
Tue Mar 10 17:05:42 UTC 2015

Le 10/03/2015 12:12, Fabian Arrotin a écrit :
> While it "works" it's quite slow so probably better then to stick with
> CentOS 6 and wait for something lighter than Gnome3/Gnome-shell as
> Desktop Environment (xfce/mate/$other)

Until recently I've been using a beefed-up Xfce-on-steroids for older 


As soon as I have some time, I guess I'll set up a private repo and try 
to build Xfce 4.12 for CentOS 7 (if nobody does it before).



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