[CentOS] opendkim-2.9.0

Tue Mar 31 20:11:38 UTC 2015
James B. Byrne <byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca>

There was an update to opendkim 2.10.1 which I applied and now I am
seeing this:

warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection

I tried to yum history rollback to 2.9.1 but that package has
disappeared so I am evidently constrained to resolve this.

Does anyone have any idea what has happened and why I might be getting
that message?

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at Harte-Lyne.ca
Harte & Lyne Limited          http://www.harte-lyne.ca
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Hamilton, Ontario             fax: +1 905 561 0757
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