[CentOS] Q: respecting .ssh/id_rsa

Fri May 8 17:56:42 UTC 2015
Devin Reade <gdr at gno.org>

--On Friday, May 08, 2015 01:23:57 PM -0400 m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:

> I would *strongly* recommend editing your /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and
> comment or delete the fallback, and replace it, like:
># Protocol 2,1
> Protocol 2
> That way, it won't even try.

While forcing protocol 2 on the server is not a bad idea, it won't
help here.  Remember, that's a client-side debug message that the
OP was seeing.  I can verify that the client still produces that
message even when talking to a server that does only protocol 2.

Forcing protocol 2 on the client side also does not suppress that
message, so the key-type-determination algorithm is not likely
dependent on the protocol version.
