[CentOS] firewalld being stupid

Tue Nov 17 21:51:58 UTC 2015
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

J Martin Rushton wrote:
> On 17/11/15 17:29, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>> On 17.11.2015 17:51, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>>> Nick Bright wrote:
>>>> On 11/17/2015 8:18 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
>>>>> This behaviour is congruent with SELinux. One utility adjusts
>>>>> the permanent configuration, the one that will be applied at
>>>>> startup. Another changes the current running environment
>>>>> without altering the startup config. From a sysadmin point of
>>>>> view this is desirable since changes to a running system are
>>>>> often performed for empirical testing. Leaving ephemeral
>>>>> state changes permanently fixed in the startup config could,
>>>>> and almost certainly would eventually, lead to serious
>>>>> problem during a reboot. Likewise, immediately introducing a
>>>>> state change to a running system when reconfiguring system
>>>>> startup options is just begging for an operations incident
>>>>> report. It may not be intuitive to some but it is certainly
>>>>> the logical way of handling this.
>>>> I certainly don't disagree with this behavior.
>>>> What I disagree with is documented commands _*not working and
>>>> failing silently*_.
>>> I agree, and it seems to be the way systemd works, as a theme, as
>>> it were. I restart a service... and it tells me *nothing* at all.
>>> I have to run a second command, to ask the status. I've no idea
>>> why it's "bad form" to tell me progress, and final result. You'd
>>> think they were an old New Englander.....
>> binary returning a code of 0 does not mean the service is actually
>> up-and-running properly).
> You may well be right.  However for those of us who just want to get
> the system running it has lousy reporting.  Under SysV setting -vx on
> the script gave meaningful output - there's no easy equivalent under
> systemctl.  Systemctl returning success status on daemon failure is
> plain stupid.  I'm sure systemd does wonderful things and is the
> future and we're stuck with it now until at least CentOS/RHEL 8.  One
> of the great joys of *NIX is small, stable text files that can be
> handled without vast study unlike the obscure behemoth that would look
> good coming out of Redmond.  Even getting ntp to supply time to
> another system takes hours instead of 5 minutes.
> If I ever meet Poettering I'll be sure to sup with a long spoon. ;-(

Actually, I think I've figured out why systemd... let's see, the CEO of
upstream was CEO of Delta Airlines before he came to RH (?!), and now

