[CentOS] Intel SSD

Thu Nov 19 08:54:32 UTC 2015
Birta Levente <blevi.linux at gmail.com>

On 18/11/2015 22:35, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 11/18/2015 09:51 AM, Eero Volotinen wrote:
>> strace -f -e open software_binary might help, but I have noticed that
>> Centos is not really 100% binary compatible in some cases.
> CentOS Linux is not 100% bit for bit compatible with RHEL in ANY cases :)
> CentOS and RHEL are built from mostly the same source code (we remove RH
> trademarks and take out RHN update pieces).
> But RHEL source code is rebuilt on RHEL in the Red Hat isolated build
> system .. and CentOS Linux is built CentOS in our isolated build system.
> Red Hat does not always release everything in their build system (they
> might do 2 or 3 versions before they release something).  We only have
> things they released (and we built) in our build system.
> That means almost every single compiled binary file is 'not exactly' the
> same (on a bit for bit basis) when compared between CentOS Linux and RHEL.

I tried today morning on RHEL too ...
The ISDCT tool does not work on supported OS neither

