[CentOS] About CentOS Marks

Takuya Yamamoto

t-yamamoto at rf.jp.nec.com
Thu Nov 26 07:14:36 UTC 2015



According to above, I found following message.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in these Guidelines, the following are examples of unacceptable uses:

1.Use of the CentOS Marks in connection with commercial redistribution of CentOS software

I have a question.
What means "Use of the CentOS Marks"?

For example,
While CentOS is booting up, CentOS show the CentOS logo on Full screen.
Is it unacceptable? Or acceptable?
If commercial redistribution of CentOS software, Developer have to hide this logo?

For example,
CentOS System is working, user can show the "CentOS" text words on console.
Is it unacceptable? Or acceptable?

Yamamoto Takuya

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