[CentOS] Poor perfmance of bridged interfaces

Fri Nov 13 16:11:15 UTC 2015
Sergio Belkin <sebelk at gmail.com>

2015-11-13 12:32 GMT-03:00 Ulf Volmer <u.volmer at u-v.de>:

> On 11/13/2015 12:57 PM, Sergio Belkin wrote:
> When I enable stp:
>> [root at localhost ~]# brctl show br0
>> bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
>> br0             8000.080027a398e6       yes             enp0s3
>>                                                          enp0s8
> As Gordon said, i recommend to remove one of the physical interfaces from
> the bridge.
> best regards
> Ulf
> _______________________________________________

I've found that setting virtual interfaces as NAT instead bridge, it works,
any ideas?

(Remember that it's a guest OS)

Thanks in advance!

Sergio Belkin
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