[CentOS] problem on exceptional quit

Thu Oct 8 14:23:57 UTC 2015
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 08.10.2015 um 15:32 schrieb Hua Wang <ehwang at 163.com>:
> Yes, I have tried much larger numbers than 60 and 3 for the
> above two parameters respectively. And I am sure it is using
> ‘protocol 2’ because it’s uncommented in sshd_config.
> Is there a way to catch what’s happing before quit? I couldn’t
> see anything except for the line ‘write failed, broken pipe’.

as the system was physically "touch" (reinstalled 6->7), i suggest 
to check the hw again e.g. check cable, check switch port 
(change the port), power supply of the switch etc.
