On 10/11/2015 03:00 PM, Emmett Culley wrote: > I just noticed that when rebooting a CentOS 7 server the firewall comes back up with both interfaces set to REJECT, instead of the eth1 interface set to ACCEPT as defined in 'permanent' firewalld configuration files. Rather than paraphrasing, could you show the specific rules, chains, or policies you're talking about? A standard firewalld rule set has the INPUT policy set to ACCEPT, with a terminal REJECT rule. An INPUT_ZONES table will direct to an IN_public table, with log, deny, and accept rules. Typically, the only rule that references an interface is the one in INPUT_ZONES that "goto"s IN_public_allow. It is neither REJECT nor ACCEPT, so it's really hard to guess what you're seeing that you don't expect to see.