[CentOS] PHP version not enough for developers

Mon Oct 26 16:11:06 UTC 2015
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 10/24/2015 01:59 PM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> On Sat, October 24, 2015 12:23 pm, Keith Keller wrote:
>> On 2015-10-24, Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:
>>> For the sake of everyone's sanity .. if you (any user, not mark
>>> specifically) don't want to use systemd, then please don't use CentOS-7.
>> For example, you could help out with Devuan, which aims to remove
>> systemd from Debian, or you can switch to Slackware, one of the few
>> major distros not to even include systemd (so far).
> Or switch away from Linux, say, to (Free|Opnen|Net|PC-|...)BSD just to
> expand options. But to take advantage of the greatness of RHEL and CentOS
> life cycle you have to live with systemd and friends no matter what you
> thinks about them (you see, I already have convinced myself ;-).
> And yes, thanks for everybody's effort to keep discussion off the insanely
> polarizing us topic(s).

I am quite happy even for there to be a SIG to modify CentOS-7 to not
require systemd and creating a variant of that branch.  Those
discussions (if enough volunteers were found to staff the SIG) would
take place on the CentOS-Devel mailing list.

But what is of no use to anyone is another 500 mail flame thread about
systemd being the devil.

>> Johnny, thank you for your efforts in trying to keep the mailing list
>> on-topic.  :)

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