[CentOS] CentOS 7.2 rootfs for i386

Wed Apr 6 14:47:32 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 04/05/2016 11:23 PM, kavitha bk wrote:
> Hi
> I want to build a small rootfs for 32 bit CentOS to the same I plan to
> build the entire OS
> but I see
> https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/I_need_the_Kernel_Source
> kernel_build for 32 bit is not supported . Please let me know anybody has
> built the same

Also, if you are just looking for the 32bit kernel, The Source code is here:


You would:

1.  git clone https://git.centos.org/git/rpms/kernel

2.  cd kernel

3.  git checkout c7

4.  get_sources.sh

5.  git checkout c7-i686

Then you would have a full SPECS/ and SOURCES/ directory of the latest
i686 kernel for CentOS-7.

If you wanted the SRPM you would do:


NOTE:  get_sources.sh and into_srpm.sh come from this git repo (as do
other tools for using git.centos.org):


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