[CentOS] How to configure VLAN in CentOS7

Mon Apr 18 05:49:09 UTC 2016
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 18/04/16 04:39, liyulei wrote:
> Hi,
> I encountered a problem when creating a VLAN interface according to the
> Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Networking_Guide.  I configuered the parent
> interface ifcfg-eno1 as follows:
> DEVICE=eno1
> TYPE=Ethernet
> ONBOOT=yes
> And I created a new file named ifcfg-eno1.5, the content is:
> DEVICE=eno1.5
> ONBOOT=yes
> VLAN=yes
> Then I restarted the network: systemctl restart network 
> After that I found that I couldn't connect to the Internet, even couldn't
> ping the gateway. I thought it might be I didn't set the GATEWAY in
> ifcfg-eno1.5, so I added the GATEWAY= local area network
> gateway), it didn't work. 
> Could anybody teach me how to create a VLAN interface in CentOS7, or tell me
> what' s wrong with my configuration, more detailed more better.
> Thanks
> Li yulei

Well, in CentOS 7 the default is to use NetworkManager (but you can go
back to "classic" network style if you prefer though) and so nmcli can
help you with that (assuming that you want to tag vlan 5 on eno1 :

nmcli con add con-name eno1.5 type vlan dev eno1 id 5 ip4 ""
nmcli con up eno1.5

(please note that the network name eno1.5 can be changed to what you
want , and will be used as internal name in "nmcli con show")

More informations in the nm doc :

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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