[CentOS] Gateway question

Wed Aug 10 06:18:49 UTC 2016
Levente Birta <blevi.linux at gmail.com>

On 09/08/2016 22:16, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 8/9/2016 11:51 AM, Birta Levente wrote:
>> I do all this and working on LAN ... all traffic go in/out on the
>> proper interface ... the problem is when I try to access the internet
>> on the second interface ....
> how do you try and access the 'internet on the second interface' when
> its all the same subnet??   its the same internet, isn't it?

Same internet, yes, but I want through different WAN connection
For example can be postfix binded to different interfaces.
But in this case I want to monitor the two WAN connection with ping. And 
with ping the ICMP packets can be sent on different interfaces.
