[CentOS] migrate openldap to centos 7 server..

Tue Aug 23 18:17:44 UTC 2016
John Jasen <jjasen at realityfailure.org>

You should be able to use slapd.conf. You may need to toggle
/etc/sysconfig/slapd to do so, but my testing with CentOS7 has all been

On 08/21/2016 11:49 AM, Jason Welsh wrote:
> I hope this isnt terribly off-topic, but Im trying to migrate openldap from an old 32bit install 
> of gentoo linux to 64bit centos 7. Ive searched and found all kinds of info on migrating, but 
> none if it seems to work completely for me. 
> It seems that the newer centos 7 opendlap config doesnt use the slapd.conf file any more.
> So It appears I need two ldif files. one for the config and one for the actual database?
> on the old server if I do (as root) 
> slapcat -n 0    , i get the error
> slapcat: could not open database.
> but I was able to get a dump of the (non-config) database with 
>  slapcat -n 1, but I cant import that ldif on the new centos 7 server without the config part... 
> anyone know what the right procedure for this would be ?
> regards,
> Jason
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