[CentOS] CentOS 6: environment variables and cronjobs ...

Fri Dec 2 07:53:14 UTC 2016
Philippe BOURDEU d'AGUERRE <bda at aime-toulouse.fr>

Le 01/12/2016 à 17:23, Liam O'Toole a écrit :
> On 2016-12-01, Walter H.
> <walter.h at mathemainzel.info> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> in
>> /etc/cron.d/test
>> I've this:
>> 50 15 * * * root ( date ; echo "---" ; env ; echo "---" ; set )
>>>> /tmp/test.txt
>> and I thought I would be shown environment variables which are defined
>> in
>> e.g.  /etc/profiles.d/proxy.sh or /etc/profiles.d/proxy.csh
>> but this isn't like this ...
> That is the expected behaviour.
>> where do I have to define e.g.
>> export http_proxy="http://proxy.local:3128/"
>> in order to have it in cron jobs?
>> Thanks,
>> Walter
> You can set the variable in the cron job itself. See, for example,
> /etc/cron.d/0hourly, where several variables are set.

You can also set environment variables in /etc/environment. They will be 
read by pam module pam_env.
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