[CentOS] HDD badblocks

Wed Jan 20 14:01:41 UTC 2016
James B. Byrne <byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca>

On Tue, January 19, 2016 18:36, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 1/19/2016 3:29 PM, J Martin Rushton wrote:
>> I suspect that the gold layer on edge connectors 30-odd years ago
>> was
>> a lot thicker than on modern cards.  We are talking contacts on 0.1"
>> spacing not some modern 1/10 of a knat's whisker.  (Off topic) I
>> also
>> remember seeing engineers determine which memory chip was at fault
>> and
>> replacing the chip using a soldering iron.  Try that on a DIMM!
> indeed, I pretty much quit doing component level electronics when
> everything went to surface mount.

Kids these days!  I remember taking the vacuum tubes to the testing
centre in the corner drug-store to see which ones need replacing.

Apologies to the four Yorkshiremen.

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at Harte-Lyne.ca
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