[CentOS] Where did network setup goes under setup utility in CentOS 7?

Fri Jan 29 16:42:14 UTC 2016
reynierpm at gmail.com <reynierpm at gmail.com>

In CentOS 6.7 I ran setup command and I could configure network settings
from that "gui" utility at command line. In CentOS 7 I don't know where
this goes or how to enabled. I have installed a few packages:

yum install setuptool -y \
&& yum install system-config-network-tui -y \
&& yum install system-config-firewall* -y \
&& yum install system-config-securitylevel-tui -y \
&& yum install system-config-keyboard -y \
&& yum install ntsysv -y

But I can't see the network settings, see this pic:

Should I install any other package?