[CentOS] how to build/install pulseaudio 6.0 on centos 6.8

Sat Jul 9 13:08:48 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 07/05/2016 06:10 AM, James Pearson wrote:
> qw wrote:
>>>> Centos 6.8 comes with pulseaudio 0.9, but I want to use pulseaudio
>>>> 6.0 or higher version, which is used on centso 7. How to
>>>> build/install new pulseaudio on centso 6.8? Are there some dependency
>>>> libs for pulseaudio? is there some rpm of pulseaudio 6.0 for centos
>>>> 6.8?
>>>  From your recent previous posts, you appear to want to have a CentOS 7
>>> environment on a CentOS 6 platform
>>> Is there any reason you can't just use CentOS 7 ?
>> some applications are still run on centos 6.8. Therefore, centos 6.8
>> is preferred.
> Most applications that run on CentOS 6 will run on CentOS 7
> Do you have applications that don't run on CentOS 7 ?

Specificlly to James' point .. there are a whole bunch compat-* rpms in
CentOS-7 to allow CentOS-6 things to run on CentOS-7

Look at yum list compat-\*

You can run many C6 workloads on C7.

If that is not an option(the libraries you need are not available), a
container or VM might be.

The issues that you will run into building things yourself is that you
also have to maintain all those packages through out the entire
lifecycle to maintain security.  It can certainly be done, but might no
be ideal.

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