On 07/28/16 13:38, geo.inbox.ignored wrote: <<>> > what is command to restore boot to 6.8 install. it has been a very long > time when last had need. now when i do, recall fails me. > ===> then again, not as bad as i was thinking. or, no guts, no blue chips. booted rescue mode again, then chroot /mnt/sysimage. ls /sbin/grub*, there it sat and the brain snapped, 'grub-install'. 'grub-install /dev/sda' and a reboot brought up old boot selection menu. new problem, while watching screen scroll, it stopped, of all places, while loading the touch pad driver. great. to be on safe side, now installing a lighter system, than what is at sda7, to sda8 where i tried to load 7-32. if booting new install fails, i will figure out how to get inside case and disable touch pad. with the heat it puts out, it is nothing but a waste of battery power because i have a usb wireless logitech m570 marble that i love using more than the logitech trackman marble w/tail that i bought many years ago when they first came out. 1039 of 1301. not long now. i do hope it is driver problem and not the touch pad. -- peace out. -+- Tired of having your microsoft os hacked? Change to Linux os, used by microsoft hackers. -+- in a world with out fences, who needs gates. -+- CentOS GNU/Linux 6.8 tc,hago. g .