[CentOS] KDE 4.14.8 -- 'Leave' - no suspend to disk

Sat Jul 30 20:16:53 UTC 2016
geo.inbox.ignored <geo.inbox.ignored at gmail.com>

greetings one and all.

just what is a better way to suspend kde on a laptop?

for a programmer to write 'leave' routines and not have
option to 'suspend to disk', tells me the programmer;

  does not own a laptop
  is mad at laptop owners because he does not have one
  has stock in companies that make batteries for laptops

to be serious about this, just where should i post/write
to get in contact with someone who can see about getting
this problem corrected?

any/all suggestions/answers greatly needed.



peace out.

CentOS GNU/Linux 7.1511



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