[CentOS] HFSPlus Question

Wed Jun 1 02:35:34 UTC 2016
David Nelson <dmnelson at gmail.com>

For what it's worth a non-ancient Mac can boot to Internet recovery by holding the Command and R keys while powering on. From there you can get a working Terminal (click the Utilities menu at the top of the screen) and run dd or try copying files to another drive, or whatever else you may want to try. 

> On May 31, 2016, at 18:59, Albert McCann <albert.mccann at outlook.com> wrote:
> In CentOS 7.2.1511 does the 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.centos.plus.x86_64 (Plus)
> kernel read HFSPlus iMac drives? I don't see any hfsplus modules installed
> anywhere, so I suspect not. My sister's 17" iMac died, and I'm trying to
> recover the drive. If it spins up, I'd like to copy it with dd.
> I see that Elrepo has kmod-hfsplus and hfsplus-tools, will these work with
> the Plus kernel? 
> I still have to pull the drive from that infernal iMac case, so can't test
> yet.
> Thank you for any clues, my Google-foo isn't finding anything on the Plus
> kernel and HFSPlus.
> ---
> I yam Popeye of the Borg. Prepares ta beez askimiligrated.
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