[CentOS] Getting hibernate to work on a new CentOS 7.2.1115 install

Sun Jun 12 19:48:04 UTC 2016
Globe Trotter <itsme_410 at yahoo.com>

      From: Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>
 To: centos at centos.org 
 Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Getting hibernate to work on a new CentOS 7.2.1115 install

On 12/06/16 16:45, Globe Trotter wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new CentOS user (quite familiar with Fedora 1-23+) and I decided to try a new install of CentOS on a ASUS R503U.
> However, I can not get hibernate to work. I try:
> systemctl hibenaate
> and I get:
> Failed to execute operation: sleep verb not supported
> Btw, the problem does not go away with super-user.
> I was wondering how to get around this issue. I would like the abililty to hibernate and come back in the last state.
> Thanks!

This error message is generated when the sleep operation is not 
possible. Do you have sufficient SWAP configured on your system?

Thanks! The machine in question has 2 GiB of memory. I asked for an automatic partitioning of the disk during installation and the installer chose 3.some GiB. I usually use twice the RAM but I let it go this time since it was what was recommended by the automatic anaconda. 

What swap should I go for there?
Thanks again!