[CentOS] yum timeout ... (CentOS 6.8)

Thu Jun 16 13:33:16 UTC 2016
Walter H. <walter.h at mathemainzel.info>


the last times, when I tried to update,

it get time outs; even when 'yum list'

[root at host ~]# yum list
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Determining fastest mirrors
epel/metalink | 13 kB 00:00
* base: centos.den.host-engine.com
* epel: mirror.steadfast.net
* extras: centos.den.host-engine.com
* updates: centos.den.host-engine.com
http://centos.den.host-engine.com/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno
12] Timeout on http://centos.den.host-engine.com/6
/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: (28, 'Operation too slow. Less than 1
bytes/sec transfered the last 30 seconds')
Trying other mirror.
base | 3.7 kB 00:00
base/primary_db | 4.7 MB 00:03
epel | 4.3 kB 00:00
epel/primary_db | 5.8 MB 00:04
[Errno 12] Timeout on http://centos.den.host-engine.c
om/6/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: (28, 'Operation too slow. Less
than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 30 seconds')
Trying other mirror.

how or where can I reset this behavour, to have the really fastest mirros

Thanks in advance,