On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Fred Smith <fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us> wrote: > I'm interested in trying out the new OpenShot beta (2.06) on CentOS 7. > Openshot requires Python3. > > so I look at available packages where I find a bunchof python3 packages > as well as python34 packages. > > I'm assuming that python34 is version 3.4 of python, while python3 is some > other 3.x version. > > Can anyone here explain to me what are the differences, any compatibility > across these versions, and how to tell which I need for OpenShot? > The dependencies section of OpenShot 2 beta README says: Python 3.0+ So, I would assume either one (python3 or python34) would work. But I have not tried building it under EL7 myself (on my ToDo list though). Akemi