[CentOS] Laptop SCSI capability supported by CentOS 7

Wed Mar 16 20:54:14 UTC 2016
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On 03/16/2016 01:11 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:
> But I was very pleasantly surprised to see CentOS 7 pick up the 
> Xircom/Entrega PGSCSI and run with it; nice.  So anyone else looking 
> for laptop SCSI solutions, if you can find a Xircom PortGear USB-SCSI 
> adapter it does look like it is supported by C7.

And, after compiling the read_dat program ( 
https://github.com/andrew-taylor/read_dat ) the thing actual works, and 
I'm 'ripping' an audio DAT right now (to which I own the copyright, 
incidentally) at 2x speed and the audio is good.....