[CentOS] CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.raw very unusual format

Mon Mar 21 22:29:59 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/21/2016 09:51 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 21/03/16 14:34, Aliaksei Sheshka wrote:
>> What is the point to pack single raw file into the tar.gz and to name it raw ?
>> Or it's just a mistake ?
> Johnny is looking at the cdn side of thigs, but effectively we will not
> have a .raw - we will have a .raw.tar.gz file ( which will itself only
> have a .raw file compressed inside it )

It looks as if using 'Multiple Views' in the apache setup means that you
can effectively download a file even leaving off the extension .. in
your case, it left off the tar.gz but allowed you to download that file

We are looking at changing the apache configuration to prevent this type
of thing in the future.

As an example:


that pulls down the .torrent file even though there is no .torrent

The bottom line is, please download the .raw.tar.gz file and not the
.raw file and we are working on the configs.

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