[CentOS] Centos in the Browser string ?

Thu Mar 24 15:47:24 UTC 2016
g <geleem at bellsouth.net>

On 03/24/16 09:10, Always Learning wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-03-23 at 22:29 -0700, Alice Wonder wrote:
>> What purpose does it serve? I don't object to it being there
>>  but I also don't see a benefit to it being there.
>> Ubuntu btw is not exactly a distribution I want RHEL/EPEL/CentOS 
>> developers to emulate...
> Spread the successful Centos 'brand name' :-)

see my reply to Richard.

peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.7

