[CentOS] Trouble installing C7

Fri Mar 18 17:47:02 UTC 2016
Bear Tooth <beartooth at comcast.net>

	I put a CentOS 7 live CD into a PC several years old, and ran it 
without trouble for several days. Then I told it to install itself to the 
hard drive. That took kind of a while (perhaps because the machine is 
behind a KVM switch with three others?), but eventually told me it had 
finished. I rebooted.

	Given my druthers, I would now run Yumex, deleting as many as I 
could of all the things I never use. Then I'd update from whatever 
version is on the CD to the current one.

	But I get errors, trying to run Yumex or to install it (both as 
root), saying "Could not resolve host: mirrorlist.centos.org" There are 
some panels, or what look to be panels; but the display on them looks 
like it's been chewed up and spat out by some monster in the machine. 
(Until I get logged in, the whole screen looks like that, or maybe as if 
two tilings had crashed into each other at high speed.)

	Any clues? Pretty please??

Beartooth Staffwright, not quite clueless
Bear in mind that I have little (precious
little!) idea where up is.


Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Not Quite Clueless Power User
Remember I have precious (very precious!) little idea where up is.