[CentOS] CentOS6: Building a modified kernel rpm

Fri Mar 25 16:57:01 UTC 2016
Patrick Begou <Patrick.Begou at legi.grenoble-inp.fr>

I'm very confused on the right step to use to setup a modified kernel in centOS6.

As a simple user, I've downloaded the latests sources (I'm runing an old kernel 
version) :

rpm -i 

in the spec file ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/kernel.spec I've set:
%define buildid .numa

Now I want to set *CONFIG_NUMA_EMU=y*
before runing:
rpmbuild -bb --without xen --without debug --without debuginfo --target=x86_64 

But where shoud I set this CONFIG_NUMA_EMU option ?
I've tested several config files where this options was specified (using grep as 
a last solution)  but each build reset my choice and it is not available in the 
final kernel.

And google is a little bit confusing for me with many and many diverging 

Thank to kernel gourous for their advices.


|  Equipe M.O.S.T.         |                                      |
|  Patrick BEGOU           | mailto:Patrick.Begou at grenoble-inp.fr |
|  LEGI                    |                                      |
|  BP 53 X                 | Tel 04 76 82 51 35                   |
|  38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX    | Fax 04 76 82 52 71                   |