[CentOS] Verifing: CentOS 5 cannot resize a *live* root filesystem

Tue May 17 21:59:44 UTC 2016
Robert Nichols <rnicholsNOSPAM at comcast.net>

On 05/17/2016 02:30 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> Just want to verify: CentOS 5's FS utilities are too old to safely resize a
> *live* (mounted, etc.) root file system (and the CentOS 5 installer/rescue
> system does not include either resize2fs or fsadm utilities).

I don't know of _any_ filesystem that supports live shrinking. Live 
expansion, yes. Live shrinking, no. The C5 install/rescue CD and DVD do
include resize2fs.

> I'm
> *hoping* Ubuntu's 32-bit installer can deal with a non-PAE 32-bit system).

Ubuntu is _not_ one of the few distributions that still support non-PAE 
32-bit. From what I can find, Lubuntu and Xubuntu 12.04 were the last 
versions to support non-PAE. Sorry.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.