[CentOS] Recommendations for Infiniband with CentOS 6.7

Wed May 25 09:42:16 UTC 2016
Peter Kjellström <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Tue, 24 May 2016 21:08:27 -0400
Pat Haley <phaley at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We looking for suggestions on dealing with mellanox drivers in CentOS
> 6.7

Unless you really need a specific feature in MOFED I'd recommend you
stay with the, so called, in-box drivers already in CentOS-6.7.

We run >2000 HPC nodes on CentOS-6.7 with stock ib drivers.
> We tried installing mellanox drivers 
> (MLNX_OFED_LINUX-3.2- on a Quanta Cirrascale 
> server running Centos 6.7 - 2.6.32-573.22.1.el6.x86_64.  When we 
> rebooted the machine after installing the drivers, it went into a
> kernel panic for every installed kernel except for Centos 6.7 

Sounds as if your initramfs got assembled incorrectly. Kernel panic is
usually due to the initramfs not having what it takes to find and mount
the root-fs. You can try to manually update the initrd for a specific
installed kernel.

/Peter K