[CentOS] Slow RAID Check/high %iowait during check after updgrade from CentOS 6.5 -> CentOS 7.2

Wed May 25 20:03:25 UTC 2016
Kelly Lesperance <klesperance at blackberry.com>

LSI/Avago’s web pages don’t have any downloads for the SAS2308, so I think I’m out of luck wrt MegaRAID.

Bounced the node, confirmed MPT Firmware
HP Driver is v

Both are the latest from HP.

Unsure why, but the module itself reports version

[root at r1k1 sys] # cat module/mpt2sas/version

On 2016-05-25, 3:20 PM, "centos-bounces at centos.org on behalf of m.roth at 5-cent.us" <centos-bounces at centos.org on behalf of m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:

>John R Pierce wrote:
>> On 5/25/2016 11:44 AM, Kelly Lesperance wrote:
>>> The HBA is an HP H220.
>> OH.    its a very good idea to verify the driver is at the same revision
>> level as the firmware.    not 100% sure how you do this under CentOS, my
>> H220 system is running FreeBSD, and is at revision P20, both firmware
>> and driver.     HP's firmware, at least what I could find, was a fairly
>> old P14 or something, so I had to re-flash mine with 'generic' LSI
>> firmware, this isn't exactly a recommended thing to do, but its sure
>> working fine for me.
>Not sure if dmidecode will tell you, but you might see if you can run
>smartctl -i
>Also, you could either, on boot, go into the card's firmware interface,
>and that'll tell you, somewhere, what the firmware version is. Not sure if
>MegaRAID will work with this card - if it does, you really want it..even
>though it has an actively user-hostile interface.
>      mark
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